Welcome to
Masjid Angullia

Nestled in the heart of Serangoon Road and Little India, Masjid Angullia is a vibrant center of community and faith. Discover more here.


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Team Angullia

Our mission, Mosque Management Board members, staff and gallery.

Heritage Angullia

A soulful and nostalgic reminiscence of the past yet a dynamic and forward-looking display that has elements of history, Dakwah, and interfaith relations..

Waqaf Angullia

Charitable endowment funds of Mohamed Salleh Eusoofji (MSE) Angullia established in 1904 and of his son, Ahmed Mohamed Salleh (AMS) Angullia established in 1939. Charitable contributions in Singapore, Mekkah, Madinah, Rander, India and Baghdad, Iraq.

Our latest articles.


Being a Good Father

Family is the first place where values and character of a person are shaped. Family is also the place where we devote our love and

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